Daily calendar puzzle

Arrange figures on the board to keep them all within the allowed area without overlaps. This puzzle develops spatial thinking.

You need to cover the game field representing the month-date calendar with one 6-blocks and seven 5-blocks figures leaving only two cells visible: one for month and one for date. You can move figures by dragging or pressing arrow keys (or WASD or HJKL) on the keyboard, select figure by pressing 1-8 on the keyboard, rotate clockwise with single click/tap or key R, flip horizontally with double click/tap or key F, tap time indicator or press key T to start/stop/reset stopwatch timer.

Frequent questions

Q: Which date should I compose to win?
A: Actually you win anyway! You train your brain when solving this puzzle. Choose any date. Good one to start with is today.
Q: How will I know if I solve it?
A: Solved, if you see only 2 cells with month and date not covered with figures and they compose a valid date of your choice.
Q: Is it possible to compose any month-date combination with given figures?
A: Yes. More than that, there are multiple ways to compose any date.
Q: Is there any prize for the solution?
A: Yes! The best prize is inside of you: your body produce happy hormones after you complete hard mental work.
Q: Where is a record table?
A: No record table here. It would be senseless, because of cheaters using computers instead of brain.
Q: How can I pride my achievements without any record table?
A: Pride is a deadly sin! But you can share your results with friends inviting them to make same date with another composition.
Q: Why time is not ticking? It stays at 0:00 forever.
A: The timer is manually started. Click on it to start/stop/reset or press T on the keyboard.
Q: Why figure rotation is lagging after click/tap?
A: You're so fast! There is 300ms delay to wait for the second click/tap which may produce double click event to flip figure. Press key R for instant rotation.
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